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The book offers a()glimpse of the lives of the rich and the famous in that region in t

The book offers a()glimpse of the lives of the rich and the famous in that region in t

he late 30s.










J、the case

更多“The book offers a()glimpse of the lives of the rich and the famous in that region in t”相关的问题



A.Book C,D,E,F

B.ook D,E,F

C.Book C,D,E

D.Book E,F,G



The recent announcement that general practitioners(GPs)may send patients with depression a

The recent announcement that general practitioners(GPs)may send patients with depression away with the suggestion that they【C1】______a "mood-enhancing" book will have entranced some【C2】______left others bristling. When we set up our bibliotherapy service through The School of Life in 2008, our【C3】______was obvious: to show people that books, and【C4】______novels, not only have the【C5】______to lift spirits, but to【C6】______fundamental psychological shifts, healing and enriching the heart, the intellect and the soul in extraordinary ways. But you could【C7】______that someone with depression would【C8】______to make their way to the library,【C9】______put a spring in their stride, simply by the offer of some mood enhancing reads. One of the things we have found as biblio -therapists is that clients with depression【C10】______a therapeutic book require a very【C11】______prescription. Some may want a book that offers some escape—【C12】______case the odd English humour of Dodie Smiths / Capture the Castle may【C13】______. But others may【C14】______with impatience to anything【C15】______seems too unlike real life. The majority of our clients do not come to us for【C16】______reasons; most come because they love reading, and in this day of publishing overload they want to be sure they use their reading time well. There are few greater pleasures in life than discovering a novel that【C17】______back a world you recognise—and yet takes you into a deeper experience of that world. And research has shown that reading can be highly effective in【C18】______stress. We find Henry James a【C19】______way to order your mind when everything becomes too much— the literary【C20】______of Beethoven or Bach.








关于最新搭载G BOOK车辆中说叙述的安全、安心类别中有哪些服务项目()







根据下面材料,回答下列各题。 Uke a tired marriage.the relationship between libraries and pu
blishers has long been reassuringly dull.E—books,however,are causing heartache. Libraries know they need digital wares if they are to remain relevant,but many publishers are too careful about piracy and lost sales to c0.operate.Among the big six.only Random House and HarperCollins license e-books with most libraries.The others have either denied requests or are reluctantly experimenting. Publishers are wise to be nervous.Owners of e.readers are exactly the customers they need:book—lovers with money-neither the devices nor broadband connections come cheap.If these wonderful people switch to borrowing e-books instead of buying them,what then? Electronic borrowing is awfully convenient.Unlike printed books.which must be checked out and returned to a physical library miles from where you live,book files can be downloaded at home.Digital library catalogues are often browsed at night.from a comfortable sofa.The files disappear from the device when they are due. Awkwardly for publishers,buying an e—book costs more than renting one but offers little extra value. You cannot resell it。lend it to a friend or burn it to stay warm.Owning a book is useful if you want to savour(品尝)it repeatedly,but who reads“Fifty Shades of Grey”twice? E-1ending is not simple.however.There are lots of different and often incompatible e-book formats,devices and licences.Most libraries use a company called OverDrive,a global distributor that secures rights from publishers and provides e-books and audio files in every format.Yet publishers and libraries are worried by OverDrive’s market dominance,as the company can increasingly dictate fees and conditions. Library boosters argue that book borrowers are also book buyers,and that libraries are vital spaces for readers to discover new work.Many were.cheered by a recent Pew survey,which found that more than half of Americans with Hbrary cards say they prefer to buy their e-books.But the report also noted that few people know that e-books are available at most libraries,and that popular titles often involve long waiting lists,which may be what inspires people to buy. So publishers keep adjusting their lending arrangements in:search of the right balance.Random House raised its licensing prices earlier this year,and Harper Collins limits libraries to lending its titles 26 times. Hachita is engaged in some secret experiments,and the others are watching with held breath.In Britain the government will soon announce a review of the matter.The story of the library e-book is a nail-biter. What can be inferred from the fast paragraph?

A.Libraries are eager to keep relationship with publishers.

B.Several publishers have sold e-books to most libraries.

C.Libraries care too much about piracy and book sales.

D.Most publishers hesitate to cooperate with libraries.



Gifts are a fundamental element of culture and ourlives as social creature. They are also

Gifts are a fundamental element of culture and our

lives as social creature. They are also an important part of S1.______

our business relationships. There are occasions that giving S2.______

a gift surpasses spoken communication, since the message

it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural

diversity. Presenting a simple gift to your host in a foreign S3.______

country and the chances are he or she will understand you

perfectly, even you may not understand a single word of S4.______

each other's languages. It can convey a wealth of meaning

about your appreciation of their hospitality and the importance

you place upon the relationship. Combine the act of

giving with some knowledge of and sensitivity in the culture S5.______

of the recipient and you have an unvaluable chance to earn S6.______

respect and lay the foundations of a durable and mutually

beneficial business relationship. For all countries, take account

of climate, especially in regard to clothing. Some

gifts can be mined by extremely hot or humid climates,

possibly causing its receiver considerable anguish. Consider S7.______

the kinds of products that are abundant in the country concerning S8.______

and try for something that is uncommon there.

Think about the level of language skills: a book with

hundreds of pages of English text may be at best useful, at S9.______

worst embarrassing, to a person with limited English. Inform

yourself as much as possible with local customs, rules S10.______

and etiquette.




With human footprints on the moon, radio telescopes listening for messages from alien crea
tures (who may or may not exist), technicians looking for celestial and planetary sources of energy to support our civilization, orbiting telescopes' data hinting at planetary systems around other stars, and political groups trying to figure out how to save humanity from nuclear warfare that would damage life and eliminate on a planet-wide scale, an astronomy book published today enters a world different from the one that greeted books a generation ago. Astronomy has broadened to involve our basic circumstances and our mysterious future in the universe. With eclipses and space missions broadcast live, and with NASA, Europe, and the USSR planning and building permanent space stations, astronomy offers adventure for all people, an outward exploratory thrust that may one day be seen as an alternative to mindless consumerism, ideological bickering, and wars to control dwindling resources on a closed, finite Earth.

Today's astronomy students not only seek an up-to-date summary of astronomical facts: they ask, as people have asked for ages, about our basic relations to the rest of the universe. They may study astronomy partly to seek points of contact between science and other human endeavors: philosophy, history, politics, environmental action, even the arts and religion.

Science fiction writers and special effect artists on recent films help today's students realize that unseen worlds of space are real places—not abstract concepts. Today's students are citizens of a more real, more vast cosmos than conceptualized by students of a decade ago.

In designing this edition, the Wadsworh editors and I have tried to respond to these developments. Rather than jumping at the start into murky waters of cosmology, I have begun with the viewpoint of ancient people on Earth and worked outward across the universe. This method of organization automatically (if loosely) reflects the order of humanity's discoveries about astronomy and provides a unifying theme of increasing distance and scale.

This passage is most probably taken from

A.an article of popular science.

B.the introduction of a book of astronomy.

C.a lecture given by the author to astronomy students.

D.the preface of a piece of science fiction.



A coeducational school offers children nothing less than a tree version of society in

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

A coeducational(男女合校的) school offers children nothing less than a tree version of society in miniature(缩影). Boys and girls are given the __47__ to get to know each other, to learn to live together from their earliest years. They are put in a position where they can compare themselves with each other in terms of __48__ ability, athletic achievement and many of the extracurricular activities which are part of school life. What a practical __49__ it is (to give just a small example) to be able to put on a school play in which the male parts will be taken by boys and the female parts by girls! What nonsense coeducation makes of the argument that boys are cleverer than girls or vice versa. When __50__ , boys and girls are made to feel that they are a race apart. In a coeducational school, everything falls into its __51__ place.

The greatest contribution of coeducation is __52__ the healthy attitude to life it encourages. Boys don’t grow up believing that women are __53__ creatures. Girls don’t grow up imagining that men are romantic heroes. Years of living together at school remove illusions of this kind. The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and __54__ problems involved in growing up. These can better be __55__ in a coeducational environment. When the time comes for the pupils to leave school, they are fully prepared to __56__ society as well-adjusted adults. They have already had years of experience in coping with many of the problems that face men and women.


















Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following pa...

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once. A) spoiled B) crippled C) hindered D) surrounded E) legal F) permissive G) catalog H) ongoing I) appetites J) outline K) submitted L) profile M) committed N) echoed O) responded The idea for the book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone came to J. K. Rowling in 1990. It took her five years to finish writing it. In accordance with her 1) ________, during those seven years she had a number of jobs, including one job as an English teacher in Portugal. Rowling 2) _________ the book to four publishers before one of them bought it. She was very happy to sell her book because it was her life’s dream to be a published writer. Before she sold her book, Rowling was financially 3) ________, living in a small apartment with her daughter without heat in the winter. Harry Potter became very successful with children and adults in England since it satisfied their 4) _______. The book also became very popular overseas. For example, once it came to the United States, it was immediately 5) ________ by many crazy readers. Her second and third books 6) ________ this popularity as well. The three books soon filled the top three places on many newspapers’ 7) _________ of best-sellers. Then the books were made into movies, which were undoubtedly in 8) _______ demand. Rowling’s life had changed significantly, in just three years. Not being 9) _________, Harry Potter soon sold more than 30 million books around the world and was translated into more than thirty-five languages. In 1997, she earned £70 a week. By the end of 2001, her 10) ________ income had mounted over £150 million, making her one of the most successful female writers of all time.



Who coined the term personal computer? The Oxford Dictionary says Byte magazine used i
t first, in its May 1976 issue. But Yale Law School Fred Shapiro decided to do some digging on his own--- with help from JSTOR, an online electronic database for academic journals. JSTOR’s arts and sciences archive offers scans of million pages from 117 journals, some dating back to 150 years. Using character-recognition software, JSTOR creates searchable files for each document, allowing full-text searches across 15 academic fields.

While searching for the origin of personal computer, Shapiro uncovered several computing claims. Stewart Brand, founder of Whole Earth Catalog, says on his Web site that he first referred to a “personal computer” in a 1976 book; and GUI pioneer Alan Kay is said to have used the term in a paper published in 1972.

But a search on JSTOR’s general science archive turned up what Shapiro says is the earliest recorded use of personal computer, in the October 4,1968, issue of Science. The issue contains a Hewlett-Packard advertisement for its new HP 9100A. “The new Hewlett-Packard 9100A personal computer,” the ad says, is “ready, willing and able …to relieve you of waiting to get on the big computer.” The $4900 device---a desktop scientific calculator equipped with magnetic cars---does not seem like much of a computer nowadays. And at 40 pounds, it was not very personal, either. But according to Shapiro, it was the first device to be called a personal computer.

1.The term “personal computer” first appeared().

A.in Byte magazine

B.in a Hewlett-Packard ad in Science

C.in a 1974 book

D.in a paper published by Alan Kay

2.What is JSTOR ?()

A.It is an online database

B.It is an academic journal

C.It is a kind of computer software

D.It is a research organization

3.Shapiro succeeded in his research for the origin of the term personal computer by().

A.looking into the Oxford Dictionary

B.digging into magazines that are more than 150 years old

C.scanning JSTOR’s general science archive on line

D.focusing on academic journal such as Science

4.With a HP9100A, according to the Hewlett-Packard ad, you().

A.can easily get on the big computer

B.do not have to get on the big computer

C.can save a lot of money

D.will be willing and ready to do scientific work

5.What do we learn from the passage about the first device that was called personal computer?()

A.It looked very different from the PC today.

B.It was small, light and easy to carry around.

C.It was as efficient as a big computer.

D.It relieved people of a great deal of tedious work.



Most publishing is now"electronic"in the sense that books, magazines, and newspapers are p
repared on computers, and exist as computer files before they are printed on paper. Often there are advantages to giving readers access to the electronic versions of publications as well as—or even instead of—the printed versions.

Print publications have lots of advantages. Paper is pleasant to handle, ready to read, and very portable: you can read it almost anywhere. On the other hand, print has its weaknesses. Paper is expensive, and articles are often cut to fit the space available. Printing and distributing paper is expensive and takes time. Printed materials are expensive to store and almost impossible to search. Electronic publishing offers solutions to all these problems.

Suppose a publisher makes the electronic copy of a newspaper or magazine available from the net, perhaps on the Internet's World Wide Web. No paper is used and disc space is cheap, so Internet publishing costs very little. Articles don' t have to be cut. Internet publishing is fast, and readers can access material as soon as it becomes available: within minutes, instead of the next day, next week or next month. Internet publishing goes beyond geographical boundaries: the humblest local paper can be read everywhere from New York to London to Delhi to Tokyo. Delivery costs are low because there are no newsagents to pay, and no postal charges: readers pick up the bills for their on-line sessions. Also, computer- based publications are simple to store and every word can be searched electronically.

At the moment, newspapers and magazines, TV and radio stations, news agencies and book publishers are making content freely available on the Web because they are competing for "mindshare". Perhaps they want to find out if they can attract and hold an audience on line, or perhaps they're afraid of missing out because "everyone else is doing it". But don't count on things staying that way. Publishers are not in business to lose money.

What does the author probably foresee?

A.Readers will have more accesses.

B.Books and newspapers will be kept as computer files.

C.It will not make any sense to keep the printed versions.

D.Electronic publications will replace printed ones.

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