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Everyone of us has _____ computer ; ______ computer is ____ brain





更多“Everyone of us has _____ computer ; ______ computer is ____ brain”相关的问题


In the ten years Jack has been with us, I think he has proved that he ______ respect from everyone of us.







American Dreams There is a common response to America among foreign writers:the US is a

American Dreams

There is a common response to America among foreign writers:the US is a land of extremes where the best of things qre just as easily found as the worst.This is a cliche(陈词滥调).

In the land of black and white,people should not be too surprised to find some of the biggest gaps between the rich and the poor in the world.But the American Dream offers a way out to everyone.(46) No class system or govemment stands in the way.

Sadly,this old argument is no longer true.Over the past few decades there has been a fundamental shift in the structure of the American economy.

The gap between the rich and the poor has widened and widened.(47)

Over the past 25 years the median US family income has gone up 18 per cent.For the top 1 per cent,however,it has gone up 200 per cent.Twenty-five years ago the top fifth of Americans had an average income 6.7 times that of the bottom fifth.(48)

Inequalities have grown worse in different regions.In California,incomes for lower class families have fallen by 4 per cent since 1969.(49) This has led to an economy hugely in favor of a small group of very rich Americans.The wealthiest 1 per cent of households now control a third of the national wealth.There are now 37 million Americans living in poverty.At 12.7 per cent of the population,it is the highest percentage in the developed world.

Yet the tax burden on America’s rich is falling,not growing.(50) There was an economic theory holding that the rich spending more would benefit everyone as a whole.But clearly that theory has not worked in reality.

A.Nobody is poor in the US.

B.The top 0.01 per cent of households has seen its tax bite fall by a full 25 percentage points since 1980.

C.For upper class families they have risen 41 per cent.

D.Now it is 9.8 times.

E.As it does so,the possibility to cross that gap gets smaller and smaller.

F.All one has to do is to work hard and climb the ladder towards the top.



Everyone seems to be in favor of progress. But " progress" is a funny word. It doesn't nec
essarily mean that something has become stronger, wiser, or better. It simply means changing it from being one thing to another and sometimes it turns out to be worse than before.

Consider medicine, for instance. No one can deny that medical progress has enriched our lives tremendously. Because of medical advances, we eat better, live easier and are able to take care of ourselves more efficiently. We can cure disease with no more than one injection or a pill. If we have a serious accident, surgeons can put us back together again. If we are born with something defective, they can repair it. They can make us happy, restore our normality, ease our pain, replace worn parts and give us children. They can even bring us back from the dead. These are wonderful achievements, but there is a price we have to pay.

Because medicine has reduced infant mortality and natural death so significantly, the population has been rising steadily, in spite of serious efforts to reduce the rate of population growth. Less than a century ago in the United Stales, infant mortality claimed more than half of the newborn within the first year of life. Medical advances, however, have now reduced that rate to nearly zero. A child born in the United States today has better than a 90% chance of survival. Furthermore, medical advances have ensured that most of these infants will live to be seventy years of age or more, and even that life expectancy increases every year. The result of this progress is an enormous population increase that threatens the quality of life, brought about by progress in the medical profession.

According to this passage, " progress" doesn't always mean that______.

A.something has become stronger and better

B.something has been changed from being one thing to another

C.something has become funny

D.something turns out to be worse than before



Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss&q

Almost everyone knows the meaning of "Mr.", "Mrs.", and "Miss". "Mr." is used before the names of gentlemen. "Mrs." is for married women and "Miss" is for single women. But what is "Ms."?

For some time, businessmen in the US have used "Ms." before a woman's name when they do not know whether or not the woman is marrieD.Today, however, many women prefer to use "Ms." rather than "Mrs." or "Miss". The word "Mr." does not tell us whether a man is married or not. Many women think this is an advantage for men. They want to be equal to men in this way. These women feel that it is not important for people to know whether or not they are marrieD.

There are some problems with "Ms.", however. Not all women like it. Some like the older ways of doing things. Some find it difficult to pronounce. ("Ms." sounds like [miz].) Generally, young women like it better than older women do. It is difficult to know whether "Ms." will be used by more American women in the future or not. What do you think of this change?

1. Many young women prefer to use "Ms." because ________.

:A.they think themselves as good as men

B.it doesn't tell whether they're married or not

C.the word sounds more pleasant than "Mrs." does

D.the word has been used for a long time



I've been living in the country for more than 10 years.It means quietness,privacy,harmony and peace for me.

Living in the country requires an active lifestyle.It involves activities like doing daily chores,preparing firewood for winter heating,feeding animals including pets and livestock,tending the garden,or securing fences,etc.For me,the most attractive activities are fishing,hunting and hiking.I enjoy seeing what nature has to offer everyday through a simple walk down the lttle trail,or a relaxing drive along the country road with patches of green grass ornamented with wildlife sightings of birds,moose,bears,deer,etc.

Living the country life helps us appreciate some of the simpler things,things that make us feel good about ourselves and the world.It may be just a get together on a Saturday at the local farmers market,or a project or a problem that the community might pull together to help solve.I have participated in a few community projects,like dealing with out-of-control grass fires,a roof that collapsed from a large snow fall,or even helping a recent widow with fire wood for the winter.Sometimes I am surprised by how much benefit we receive from helping others and as for this community I can't say enough.

Ireally enjoy living the country life.I know it's not for everyone,but I know it's for me.

1.The author has lived in the countryside for more than a decade, and he/she loves living there.

2.Living in the country is not busy at all.

3.The author takes a walk or drives along country roads almost every day.

4.People living in the country usually go shopping every Saturday.

5.According to the author, nobody dislikes countryside life.




Passage 2 

I've been living in the country for more than 10 years. It means quietness, privacy, harmony and peace for me. Living in the country requires and active lifestyle. It involves activities like doing daily chores, preparing firewood for winter heating, feeding animals including pets andlivestock, tending the garden, or securing fences, etc. For me, the most attractive activities are fishing, hunting and hiking. I enjoy seeing what nature has to offer every day through a simple walk down a little trail, or a relaxing drive along the country road with patches of green grass ornamented with wildlife sightings of birds, moose, bears, deer,etc. Living acountry life helps us appreciate some of the simpler things, things that make us feel good about ourselves and the world It may be just a get together on a Saturday at the local farmers market, or a projector a problem that the community might pull together to help solve I have participated in a few community projects, like dealing with out-of-control grass fires, a roof that collapsed from a large snow fall, or even helping a recent widow with firewood for the winter. Sometimes I am surprised by how much benefit we receive from helping others and as for this community I can't say enough. I really enjoy living a country life. I know ti's not for everyone, but I know it's for me.

1.The author has lived in the countryside for more than a decade, and he/she loves living there.



2.Living in the country is not intersting at all.



3.The author takes a walk or drives along country roads almost every day.



4.People living in the country usually go shopping every Saturday.



5.According to the author, nobody dislikes countryside life.





I ’ve been living in the country for more than 10 years . It means quietness , privacy , harmony and peace for me .

Living in the country requires an active lifestyle . It involves activities like doing daily chores , preparing firewood for winter heating , feeding animals including pets and livestock , tending the garden , or securing fences , etc . For me , the most attractive activities are fishing , hunting and hiking . I enjoy seeing what nature has to offer everyday through a simple walk down the little trail , or a relaxing drive along the country road with patches of green grass ornamented with wildlife sightings of birds , moose , bears , deer , etc .

Living the country life helps us appreciate some of the simpler things , things that make us feel good about ourselves and the worid . It may be just a get together on a Saturday at the local farmers market , or a project or a problem that the community might pul together to help solve . I have participated in a few community projects , like dealing with out - of - control grasS fires , a roof that collapsed from a large snow fal , or even helping a recent widow with fire wood for the winter . Sometimes I am surprised by how much benefit we receive from helping others and as for this community I can ’ t say enough .

I really enjoy living the country life . I know it ' s not for everyone , but I know it ’ s for me .

1. The author has lived in the countryside for more than a decade , and he / she loves living there .

2. Living in the country is not busy at all .

3. The author takes a walk or drives along country roads almost every day

4. People living in the country usualy go shopping every Saturday

5. According to the author , nobody dislikes countryside life .



填空:If it were only necessary to decidewhether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis

Questions 36-45 are based onthe following passage.

If it were only necessary to decidewhether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to findind thegifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairlysimple. The public school 36_________ ,however, has no suchchoice, for the job must be 37_________ on at the same time.Because we depend so 38_________ uponscience and technology for our progress,we must produce 39_________ in many fields. Because wc live in ademocraticnation, whose citizens make the policies for the nation, largenumbers of us must be educated to understand, tosupport, and when necessary,to 40_________ the work of experts. The public school musteducate both producars andusers of scientific services.

In education, there should be a goodbalance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effectivethinkingand wise judgment. Such balance is 41_________ by too much emphasison any one field. This question ofbalance involves not only the relation of thenatural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative 42_________ "among the natural sciencestbemselves.

Similarly, wc must have a balance betweencurrent and 43_________ knowledge. The attention of the public is 44_________drawn to new possibilities inscientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not beallowed toturn our attention away from the sound,45_________ materials thatform. the basis of courses for beginners.

A. awarded

B . heavily

C. classical

D. display

E. established

F. system

G. involved



J. specially


L. establishment

M. specialists

N. carded

O. judge



Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words from the box. Change the
form. if necessary.




1.I don ’ t want to go out for a walk; ____________, I don ’ t have time to do so.

2.The _________ __ __ that he had arrived at the airport safely made his parents very happy.

3.The frequent ___________ of her own feelings has made her rather reserved.

4.Two groups ___________________ into one team in order to make it stronger.

5. In some countries, women become __________ _after they get married.

6. The conference will begin in an hour; in the___ __________, let ’ s have a cup of tea.

7.It is such a(n) _ _ _________ order that everyone of us must obey it; otherwise, we will be dismissed.

8. His kindness and care gave his mother great __ ____ _____.

9. The teacher is so _____ that we are all very ______ .

10.Juvenile delinquency is often the result of ___ _________abuse.

11.She showed a great deal of ___ _ _____ about her husband ’ s illness, since the doctor told her it was life-threatening.

12.She felt so sorry for his ____ ___ _____ behavior. at the meeting t his morning in front of so manycolleagues.



I’ve been living in the country for more than 10 years. It means quietness, privacy,

harmony and peace for me.

Living in the country requires an active lifestyle. It involves activities like doing daily chores, preparing firewood for winter heating, feeding animals including pets and livestock, tending the garden, or securing fences, etc. For me, the most attractive activities are fishing, hunting and hiking. I enjoy seeing what nature has to offer everyday through a simple walk down the little trail, or a relaxing drive along the country road with patches of green grass ornamented with wildlife sightings of birds, moose, bears, deer, etc.

Living the country life helps us appreciate some of the simpler things, things that make us feel good about ourselves and the world. It may be just a get together on a Saturday at the local farmers market, or a project or a problem that the community might pull together to help solve. I have participated in a few community projects, like dealing with out-of-control grass fires, a roof that collapsed from a large snow fall, or even helping a recent widow with fire wood for the winter. Sometimes I am surprised by how much benefit we receive from helping others and as for this community I can’t say enough.

I really enjoy living the country life. I know it’s not for everyone, but I know it’s for me.

1.The author has lived in the countryside for more than a decade, and he/she loves living there.()

2.Living in the country is not busy at all.()

3.The author takes a walk or drives along country roads almost every day.()

4.People living in the country usually go shopping every Saturday.()

5.According to the author, nobody dislikes countryside life.()

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