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In Europe, some traditions may have _____ although they remain.

A. survived

B. changed

C. altered

D. appeared

更多“In Europe, some traditions may have _____ although they remain.”相关的问题


The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the proc
ess of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.



Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been b
urning garbage for years.



The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well stud
ied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code during World War II to send secret messages.



Some people have criticized the Disney management for being culturally insensitive in building a the
me park in France. Disney has(1)to the accusation with comments of its own. People from Disney have said that the company is very sensitive to the idea that its park shows a(n)(2)of cultural concerns. They have tried to make it more European by(3)European cultural elements. The legends and fairy tales which come from Europe(4)prominently in the park. The(5)development of the theme park, in fact, has a European base. Disney has also(6)that the park will be special. It will have a uniqueness(7)to its European setting. All the direction(8)in the park will be in two languages. They will be in French(9)in English. Some performers in the park will(10)in French, Spanish and English.(11)the other hand, Disney will remain American. Disney does(12)that the park is American. That is, it does have an American cultural focus in(13). Disney sees this(14)something important. It is the main selling(15)to attract people. The 320 million European citizens who live(16)a two-hour flight want to visit Disney, because it is American. The Europeans coming to the park would be disappointed by a park that is strictly representative(17)their own countries. The people who visit the park will be very happy with the American culture they see(18)by Disneyland During their trip, they will experience not only the cultures of Europe,(19)that of the US as well. One thing is(20)though: All other previous theme parks in Europe have been unsuccessful. It is not yet clear how a Disney theme park will do in France.


希望通过EBSCO查找中国进出口贸易(import or export trade in China)方面尽可能多的相关文献,最合适的检索

希望通过EBSCO查找中国进出口贸易(import or export trade in China)方面尽可能多的相关文献,最合适的检索策略是( )。

A.(“import trade”OR“export trade”) AND China

B.(import* OR export*)AND trad* AND(China Or Chinese)

C.(import* OR export*)AND trade in China

D.import* OR export* OR trad* OR Chin*










() gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to new markets and products.

A.Trading globally

B.Trading regionally

C.Trad protectionism

D.Trade barriers



A recent survey has revealed that the country with the shortest holidays and the long
est working hours in Europe is the UK. In the UK, a worker puts in over 43.6 hours a week on average - far higher than any other European country. The average in the European Union (EU) is around 40 hours a week. Astonishingly, in the UK, one in ten workers spends more than 61 hours a week at work. In addition, a British worker only has 20 days’ holiday a year.Interestingly, however, despite the fact that the British have the shortest holidays and the longest working hours in the EU, the UK's GDP per worker is one of the lowest in Europe. Mediterranean countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy have some of the longest holidays in Europe, ranging from 33 to 36 days. Although Austria has the longest holiday time of all in Europe (38 days on average), it has an above-average GDP per worker.

1. UK Workers have the shortest holidays () .A. in the world

B. in Europe

C. in western Europe

D. in the Mediterranean

2. On average workers in the UK puts in ()hours more than those in the European Union.A. 3.6 hours

B. 17.4 hours

C. 20 hours

D. 21 hours

3. In the UK, () works more than 61 hours a week.A. one in five

B. one in ten

C. one in 20

D. one in 40

4. The second paragraph mainly tells us that ().A. the British have the shortest holidays

B. the British have the longest holidays

C. the British have the longest working hours

D. the UK’s GDP per worker is one of the lowest in Europe

5. () has the longest holiday time of all in Europe.A. Spain

B. Portugal

C. Austria

D. Greece



听力原文:M: Every year, as the seasons change, many birds, fish, insects and land animals
start to move. Some travel thousands of kilometers. For many it is for the first time. All of them have one thing in common: they know where they are going and they make no mistakes.

This is migration. There are many things which help animals to migrate. Birds and other animals have a body clock which tells them about changes in temperature and periods of light. Birds and some insects use their eyes to measure and compare the position of the sun from different place.

Many people now believe magnetism is very important. The earth itself is a magnet and every kind of life is affected in some way by its magnetic, fields.

But there are still many questions without answers, for example, the migration of eels. European eels travel down their rivers and into the Atlantic Ocean. They then swim 5600 kilometers to the Sargasso Sea, where they lay their eggs. The eels then die. The baby eels are carried by the Gulf Stream to Europe, a journey which takes two and a half years. They swim back up the rivers. There they live for about ten years before the return journey to the Atlantic. How do they do this? We know what happens to the eels but not how or why.

"Migration" in this passage means

A.the seasonal moving of creatures.

B.settling down in a new place.

C.the activity controlled by magnetism.

D.knowing where one is going and making no mistakes.



The effect of trade on income distribution

A.is insignificant in the short run.

B.is positive for all segments of an economy.

C.can be significant in the sort run.

D.implies that there are no real gains from trad

E.refutes the model of comparative advantag


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