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Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the bra

in alone, but that one's muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.

You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less familiar without moving their body or more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is tempted to direct the orchestra even though he knows them is a competent conductor on the job.

Strange as this behavior. may be, there is a very good mason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener "feels" himself into the music with more or less noticeable motions of his body.

The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less noticeable.

Some psychologists maintain that thinking is ______.

A.not a mental process

B.more of a physical process than a mental action

C.a process that involves our entire bodies

D.a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain


解析:本题考点在文章第一句中的mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the brain alone, but that one's muscles also participate.原文中的not...alone,but...相当于考题里的as well as,所以考生对意思相似相近的表达要清楚。

更多“Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the bra”相关的问题


Some psychologists believe that a negative serf-image ____ one's working performan







Some psychologists maintain that thinking is ()。

A.not a mental process

B.more of a physical process than a mental action

C.a process that involves our entire bodies

D.a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain



What makes one person more intelligent than another?What makes one person a genius,like the brilliant Albert Einstein,and another person a fool?Are people born intelligent or stupid,or is intelligence the result of where and how you live?These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.We know,however,that just being born with a good mind is not enough.In some ways,the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle.It needs exercise.Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children.Many child psychologists(心理学家)think that parents should play with their children more often and give the m proble ms to think about.The children are then more likelv to qrow uin hrioht and intelligent.If,on the other hand,children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do,they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children.According to some psychologists,if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot,then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things.So it is probably better for parents to say very positive (helpful) things to their children,such asThat was a very clever thing you did.orYou are such a smart child.1.The wordsintelligentandbrilliantin the first paragraph probably mean()whiledullin the second paragraph means().A.pretty and handsome;ordinary-lookingB.hopeful and helpful;carelessC.bright and splendid;slow in thinking and understandingD.great and important;common2.According to the context we can guess that a genius is()while an idiot is().A.a normal person;a funny personB.a strong person;a weak personC.a highly intelligent person;a foolish or weak-minded personD.a famous person;an ordinary person3.A person()is more likely to become a genius.A.born with a good brain and putting it into active useB.often helped by his parents and teachersC.often thinking about difficult problemsD.whose parents are clever4.It is better for parents().A.to be hard on their childrenB.to praise and encourage their children more oftenC.to leave their children alone with nothing to doD.to give their children as much help as possible5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?()A.Parents play an important part in their childrens growth.B.What makes a person bright or stupid is still under discussion.C.The less you use your mind the duller you may become.D.Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.



Some psychologists(心理学家) maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed

Some psychologists(心理学家) maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the brain alone, but that one's muscles also participate. (76)It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.

You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music without moving their body or, more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is attracted to direct the orchestra (乐队) even though he knows there is a good conductor on the job.

Strange as this behavior. may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener "feels" himself into the music with more or less noticeable motions of his body.

(77) The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less noticeable.

Some psychologists think that thinking is ______

A.not a mental process

B.more of a physical process than a mental action

C.a process that involves our entire bodies

D.a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain



Psychology is the study of the mind and mental activities. For example, psychologists are
interested in why some things make you sad, but others make you happy. They want to know why some people are shy, but others are quite talkative. They want to know why people do the thing that they do. They also test intelligence.

Psychologists deal with the mind and behavior. of people. Your mind consists of all your feelings, thoughts and ideas. It is the result of one part of the brain called the cerebrum. Your behavior. is the way you act or conduct yourself. Examples of behavior. include shouting, crying, laughing and sleeping.

Several people have been instrumental in the field of psychology. Whihelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879. Ivan Pavlov, a Russian, is noted for his experiments with dogs in which he studies their reflexes(反射)and reactions. Around 1900, Sigmund Freud, stated his theory that people try to repress (control, hide) memories or thoughts that they believe were not good.

Psychologists should not be confused with psychiatrists who deal with mental illness. They are medical doctors who treat people.

This passage is mainly about ______.

A.studying the mind

B.memories and people

C.famous psychologists

D.the study of mental illness



What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like
the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old question and the answers to them are still not clear.

We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (done with the mind) exercise is particularly important for young children. (78) Many child psychologists (心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. (79)The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.

Parents should also be careful what they say to young children. According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive (helpful) things to their children, such as "That was a very clever thing you did." or" You are such a smart child."

The words "intelligent" and "brilliant" in the first paragraph probably mean ______ while "dull" in the second paragraph means ______.

A.bright and splendid... slow in thinking and understanding

B.pretty and handsome... ordinary - looking

C.great and important... common

D.hopeful and helpful... careless



Listening to music while you drive can improve your reaction time and ability to avoid haz
ards, according to Australian psychologists. But turning your car stereo up to full volume could probably make you end up in an accident.

The performance of complex tasks can be affected if people are subjected to loud noise. The experience of pulling up at traffic lights alongside cars shaking with heavy bass (低音) prompted some psychologists in the University of Sydney to investigate whether loud music interferes with driving.

The psychologists recruited 60 men and women aged between 20 and 28 as subjects and tested them on simulated (模拟的) driving tasks under three noise conditions: silence, rock music played at a gentle 55 decibels, and the same music roaring out at 85 decibels. For 10 minutes the subjects sat in front of a monitor operating a steering wheel and foot pedals representing the brake and accelerator (加速器). They had to track a moving disk on screen, respond to traffic signals changing color, and brake in response to arrows that appeared without warning.

On the tracking task, there was no difference in performance under the three noise conditions. But under both the loud and quiet music conditions, the volunteers "braked" at a red light about 50 milliseconds sooner than they did when there was no rock music at all. That could mean a reduction in braking distance of a couple of meters potentially, the difference between life and death for a pedestrian (行人). When it came to the arrows that appeared across the visual field, the psychologists found that when the music was quiet, people responded faster to objects in their central field of vision by about 50 milliseconds. For those listening at 85 decibels, response times dropped by a further 50 milliseconds -- a whole tenth of a second faster than those "driving" with no music.

"But there is a trade-off (交换)", the psychologists told the European Congress of Psychology, "They lose the ability to scan the environment effectively." In responding to objects intruding on their peripheral(周围的)vision, people subjected to 85-decibel rock music were around 100 milliseconds slower than both the other groups. Since .some hazards -- such as children running into the road -- emerge from the periphery, drivers listening to loud music must be less safe as a result.

Which of the following is the best way to make a driving safer?

A.Loud music.

B.Quiet music.


D.Full volume stereo music.



I. Q. stands for "Intelligence Quotient" which is measure of a person's intelligence found
by means of an intelligence test. Before marks gained in such a test can be useful as information about a person, they must be compared with some standard, or norm. It is not enough simply to know that a boy of thirteen has scored, say, ninety marks m a particular test. To know whether he is clever, average, or dull, his marks must be compared with the average achieved by boys of thirteen in that test.

In 1906 the psychologist, Alfred Binet, devised the standard in relation to which intelligence has since been assessed. Binet was asked to find a method of selecting all children in the schools of Paris who should be taken out of ordinary classes and put in special classes for defectives. The problem brought home to him the need for a standard of intelligence, and he hit upon the very simple concept of" mental age".

First, he invented a variety of tests and put large numbers of children of different ages through them. He then found at what age each test was passed by the average child. Binet arranged the various tests in order of difficulty, and used them as a scale by which he could measure every individual. If, for example, a boy aged twelve could only do tests that were passed by the average boy of nine, Binet held that he was three years below average, and that he had a mental age of nine.

The concept of mental age provided Binet, and through him, other psychologists with the required standard. It enabled him to state scores in intelligence tests m terms of norm. At first, it was usual to express the result of a test by the difference between the" mental" and the" chronological" age. Then the boy in the example given would be" three years retarded". Soon, however, the" mental ratio" was introduced; that is to say, the ratio of the mental age to the chronological age. Thus a boy of twelve with mental age of nine has a mental ratio of 0.75.

The mental age was replaced by the intelligence quotient or" I. Q". Clearly, since the mental age of the average child is equal to the chronological age, the average I. Q. is 100.

To judge a child's standard, his marks in a test must be compared with marks gained by ______.

A.others of the same age

B.older children

C.younger children




Some psychologists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the

brain alone, but that one's muscles also participate (take part in). It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.

You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your cars but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less familiar without moving their body or, more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is tempted to direct the orchestra (music band) even though he knows there is a competent conductor on the job.

Strange as this behavior. may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener "feels" himself into the music with more or less pronounced motions of his body.

The muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of" thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less pronounced.

1.The pronounced body motions are a listener's way of().

A、"feeling" the music

B、participating in the performance

C、deriving enjoyment from the music

D、all of the above

2.Some psychologists maintain that thinking is ().

A、not a mental process

B、more of a physical process than a mental action

C、a process that involves our entire bodies

D、a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain

3.The best title for this selection is().

A、An Ear for Music

B、Music Appreciation

C、How Muscles Participate in Menial Acts

D、A Psychological Definition of the Thinking Process

4.Few people are able to listen to familiar music without ().

A、moving some part of their body

B、stopping what they arc doing to listen

C、directing the orchestra playing it

D、wishing that they could conduct music properly

5.Body movements are necessary in order for the listener to().

A、hear the music

B、enjoy the music Cully

C、appreciate the music completely

D、understand the music



Today's college students are more narcissistic (自恋的) and self-centered than their predecessors, according to a comprehensive new study by five psychologists who worry that the trend could be harmful to personal relationships and American society.

 “We need to stop endlessly repeating 'You're special' and having children repeat that back, ”said the study's lead author, Professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. “Kids are self-centered enough already. ”“Unfortunately, narcissism can also have very negative consequences for society, including the breakdown of close relationships with others, ” he said. The study asserts that narcissists “are more likely to have romantic relationships that are short-lived, at risk for infidelity, lack emotional warmth, and to exhibit game-playing, dishonesty, and over-controlling and violent behaviors”. Twenge, the author of “Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled--and More Miserable Than Ever Before”, said narcissists tend to lack empathy, react aggressively to criticism and favor self-promotion over helping others.

 Some analysts have commended today's young people for increased commitment to volunteer work. But Twenge viewed even this phenomenon skeptically, noting that many high schools require community service and many youths feel pressure to list such endeavors on college applications.

 Campbell said the narcissism upsurge seemed so pronounced(非常明显的)that he was unsure if there were obvious remedies. “Permissiveness seems to be a component, ” he said. “A potential antidote would be more authoritative parenting. Less indulgence might be called for. ”

 Yet students, while acknowledging some legitimacy to such findings, don't necessarily accept negative generalizations about their generation.

 Hanady Kader, a University of Washington senior, said she worked unpaid last summer helping resettle refugees and considers many of her peers to be civic-minded. But she is dismayed by the competitiveness of some students who seem prematurely focused on career status. “We're encouraged a lot to be individuals and go out there and do what you want, and nobody should stand in your way, ” Kader said. “I can see goals and ambitions getting in the way of other things like relationships. ”

 Kari Dalane, a University of Vermont sophomore, says most of her contemporaries are politically active and not overly self-centered. “People are worried about themselves--but in the sense of where are they're going to find a place in the world, ” she said. “People want to look their best, have a good time, but it doesn't mean they're not concerned about the rest of the world. ”

 Besides, some of the responses on the narcissism test might not be worrisome, Dalane said. “It would be more depressing if people answered,' No, I'm not special.

 21.According to the passage, a narcissistic person may______.

 A.hate criticism           

 B.be dishonest to his/her partner

 C.be unwilling to help others     

 D.All the above.

 22.The italicized word “commended”(line 1, Para. 3)means______.





 23.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

 A.Narcissism may result in bad consequences.

 B.College students are active to participate in volunteer work.

 C.Some people doubt whether there are remedies to counter the narcissism upsurge.

 D.Some college students are overly engaged in self-promotion.

 24.It is implied that______.

 A.both the researchers and college students are worried about the trend of narcissism

 B.the researchers and college students disagree on the findings of the study

 C.the researchers and college students disagree on some of the findings of the study

 D.college students are pessimistic about their future

 25.It is proper to be______when you hear someone say “I'm special”.





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