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During sleep,the fatigue (疲劳) of the body disappears and recuperation (恢复) begins.The tired mind gathers new energy.Once awake,the memory improves,and annoyance and problems are seen in a better perspective.Some adults require little sleep; others need eight to ten hours in every twenty-four.Infants sleep sixteen to eighteen hours daily and,as they grow older,the amount gradually diminishes.Young students may need twelve hours; university students may need ten.A worker with a physically demanding job may also need ten,whereas an executive worker under great pressure may manage on six to eight.Many famous people are reputed to have required little sleep.Napoleon,Thomas Edison and Charles Darwin apparently averaged only four to six hours a night.Whatever your individual need,you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years.By that age you will also have developed a sleep routine:a favorite hour,a favorite bed,a favorite position,and a formula you need to follow in order to rest comfortably.Investigators have tried to find out how long a person can go without sleep.Several people have reached more than 115 hours ?nearly five days,whereas animals kept awake for from five to eight days have died of exhaustion.The limit for human beings is probably about a week.1.According to the passage,the sleeping routine will be built at the age of().A、10B、20C、30D、402.The amount of sleep required().A、varies greatly from individual to individualB、depends on an individual's ageC、relates to an individual's occupationD、all of the above.3.From the amount of sleep Napoleon,Edison and Darwin required,we can infer that().A、they were famous great menB、they were executive workersC、they were intelligent peopleD、they were involved in mentally demanding work4.From animal experiments,we can conclude that the final result of the lack of sleep is probably ().A、mental illnessB、mental breakdownC、susceptibility to illnessD、death5.The writer implies that().A、sleep is important for good mental and physical healthB、a light sleep is as restful as a deep sleepC、memory is improved during sleepD、sleep is relatively unimportant for human beings

更多“During sleep,the fatigue (疲劳) of the body disappears and recuperation (恢复) begins.The tired mind gat…”相关的问题


Is that 6 a.m. wokeout getting in the way of good sleep? Don.t think your fat cells won.t notice. A new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine (a medical journal) finds that inadequate shut-eye has a harmful effect on fat cells, reducing their ability to respond to insulin (胰岛素) by about 30 percent. Over the long-term, this decreased response could set the stage for type-2 diabetes (a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in his or her blood), fatty liver disease and weight gain.

The study adds to a growing body of evidence that there. “an intimate relationship between the amount of sleep we get and our ability to maintain a good, healthy body weight,” says sleep expert Helene Emsellem, director of the Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase, Maryland. But Americans don.t seem to be getting the message that we need seven to nine hours par night. More than 1 in 5 of us, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is getting six or fewer hours of sleep per night, on average.

So how did researchers study fat cells in the Annals paper? Matthew Brady of the University of Chicago and a group of colleagues selected and persuaded seven volunteers to take part in the research project. They were all young, thin and healthy and agreed to sleep for eight nights in a sleep lab. “For four nights they were allowed to stay in bed for 8.5 hours a night,” says Brady. Then, a month later, they came back for four additional nights——but this time they were allowed just 4.5 hours of sleep per night. And after each visit, researchers got a sample of their fat. Brady explains that the fat cells responded significantly to the loss of sleep. “I was very surprised to be honest,” he says.

Bad things can happen when fat cells become less responsive to insulin. “Fat cells are actually your friend,” he says. “They.re there to store lipids (血脂).” When lipids stay inside the cells, your body can utilize the fat when you.re exercising or sleeping or going about your day. “However, when fat cells stare to become insulin resistant, the lipids star to leach out of the fat cells and rise in the bloodstream,” Brady says.

1. According to the passage, lack of sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT () .

A. heart disease

B. weight gain

C. diabetes

2. The main idea of the third paragraph is () .

A. how to write a medical research paper

B. how to avoid sleep loss

C. how the research was conducted

3. What does the “leach” in the last paragraph probably mean? ()

A. Leap.

B. Lead.

C. Leak.

4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? ()

A. We will be in trouble if our fat cells become less responsive to insulin.

B. More and more studies are done to study the link between sleep and weight.

C. More than 20% of Americans are not getting enough sleep.

5. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage? ()

A. Poor Sleep May Lead to Too Much Stored Fat and Disease

B. Sleep Experts Had Exciting Findings in a Fat Study

C. Americans Should Have More Than Six Hours of Sleep



Is that 6 a.m. wokeout getting in the way of good sleep? Don't think your fat cell
s won't notice. A new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine (a medical journal) finds that inadequate shut-eye has a harmful effect on fat cells, reducing their ability to respond to insulin (胰岛素) by about 30 percent. Over the long-term, this decreased response could set the stage for type-2 diabetes (a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in his or her blood), fatty liver disease and weight gain.

The study adds to a growing body of evidence that there' “an intimate relationship between the amount of sleep we get and our ability to maintain a good, healthy body weight,” says sleep expert Helene Emsellem, director of the Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase, Maryland. But Americans don't seem to be getting the message that we need seven to nine hours par night. More than 1 in 5 of us, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is getting six or fewer hours of sleep per night, on average.

So how did researchers study fat cells in the Annals paper? Matthew Brady of the University of Chicago and a group of colleagues selected and persuaded seven volunteers to take part in the research project. They were all young, thin and healthy and agreed to sleep for eight nights in a sleep lab. “For four nights they were allowed to stay in bed for 8.5 hours a night,” says Brady. Then, a month later, they came back for four additional nights——but this time they were allowed just 4.5 hours of sleep per night. And after each visit, researchers got a sample of their fat. Brady explains that the fat cells responded significantly to the loss of sleep. “I was very surprised to be honest,” he says.

Bad things can happen when fat cells become less responsive to insulin. “Fat cells are actually your friend,” he says. “They're there to store lipids (血脂).” When lipids stay inside the cells, your body can utilize the fat when you're exercising or sleeping or going about your day. “However, when fat cells stare to become insulin resistant, the lipids star to leach out of the fat cells and rise in the bloodstream,” Brady says.

1. According to the passage, lack of sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT {A; B; C}.

A. heart disease

B. weight gain

C. diabetes

2. The main idea of the third paragraph is {A; B; C}.

A. how to write a medical research paper

B. how to avoid sleep loss

C. how the research was conducted

3. What does the “leach” in the last paragraph probably mean?{A; B; C}

A. Leap.

B. Lead.

C. Leak.

4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?{A; B; C}

A. We will be in trouble if our fat cells become less responsive to insulin.

B. More and more studies are done to study the link between sleep and weight.

C. More than 20% of Americans are not getting enough sleep.

5. Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?{A; B; C}

A. Poor Sleep May Lead to Too Much Stored Fat and Disease

B. Sleep Experts Had Exciting Findings in a Fat Study

C. Americans Should Have More Than Six Hours of Sleep



Supersize surprise Ask anyone why there is an obesity epidemic and they will tell you tha

Supersize surprise

Ask anyone why there is an obesity epidemic and they will tell you that it’s al down to eating too much and burning too few calories. That explanation appeals to common sense and has dominated efforts to get to the root of the obesity epidemic and reverse it/ yet obesity researchers are increasingly dissatisfied with it. Many now believe that something else must have changed in our environment to precipitate(促成) such dramatic rises in obesity over the past 40 years or so. Nobody is saying that the “big two” – reduced physical activity and increased availability of food – are not important contributors to the epidemic, but they cannot explain it all.

Earlier this year a review paper by 20 obesity experts set out the 7 most plausible alternative explanations for the epidemic. Here they are.

1. Not enough sleep

It is widely believed that sleep is for the brain, not the body. Could a shortage of shut-eye also be helping to make us fat?

Several large-scale studies suggest there may be a link. People who sleep less than 7 hours a night tend to have a higher body mass index than people who sleep more, according to data gathered by the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Similarly, the US Nurses’ Health Study, which tracked 68,000 women for 16 years, found that those who slept an average of 5 hours a night gained more weight during the study period than women who slept 6 hours, who in turn gained more than whose who slept 7.

It’s well known that obesity impairs sleep, so perhaps people get fat first and sleep less afterwards. But the nurses’ study suggests that it can work in the other direction too: sleep loss may precipitate weight gain.

Although getting figures is difficult, it appears that we really are sleeping less. In 1960 people in the US slept an average of 8.5 hours per night. A 2002 poll by the National Sleep Foundation suggests that the average has fallen to under 7 hours, and the decline is mirrored by the increase in obesity.

2. Climate control

We humans, like all warm-blooded animals, can keep our core body temperatures pretty much constant regardless of what’s going on in the world around us. We do this by altering our metabolic(新陈代新的) rate, shivering or sweating. Keeping warm and staying cool take energy unless we are in the “thermo-neutral zone”, which is increasingly where we choose to live and work.

There is no denying that ambient temperatures(环境温度) have changed in the past few decades. Between 1970 and 2000, the average British home warmed from a chilly 13C to 18C. In the US, the changes have been at the other end of the thermometer as the proportion of homes with air conditionings rose from 23% to 47% between 1978 and 1997. In the southern states – where obesity rates tend to be highest – the number of houses with air conditioning has shot up to 71% from 37% in 1978.

Could air conditioning in summer and heating in winter really make a difference to our weight?

Sadly,there is some evidence that it does-at least with regard to heating. Studies show that in comfortable temperatures we use less energy.

3.Less smoking

Bad news: smokers really do tend to be thinner than the rest of us,and quitting really does pack on the pounds, though no one isn sure why. It probably has something to do with the fact that nicotine is an appetite suppressant and appears to up your metabolic rate.

Katherine Flegal and colleagres at the US National Center for Health Statistics in Hyattsville,Maryland, have calculated that people kicking the habit have been respousible for a small but significant portion of the US epidemic of fatness.From data collected aroud 1991 by the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,they worked out that people who had quit in the previous decade were much more likely to be overweight than smokers and people who had never smoked .Among men, for example, nearly half of quitters were overweight compared with 37% of non-smokers and only 28%of smokers.

4. Genetic effects

Yours chances of becoming fat may be set,at least in part,before you were even born.children of boese mothers are much more likely to become obest themselves later in life.Offspring of mice fed a high-fat diet during pregnancy are much more likely to become fat than the offspring of identical mice fed a normal diet. Intriguingly,the effect persists for two or three generations.Grand-children of mice fed a high-fat diet grow up fat even if their own mother is fed normally-so you fate may have been sealed even before you were conceived.

5.A little older…

Some groups of people just happen to be fatter than others.surveys carried out by the US national center for health statisties found that adults aged 40 to 79 were around three times as likely to be obese as younger people.non-white females also tend to fall at the fatter end of the spectreum:Mexican-american women are 30% more likely than white women to be obsess,and black women have twice the risk.

In the US,these groups account for an increasing percentage of the population.between 1970 and 2000 the US population aged 35 to 44 grew by 43%.the proportion of Hispanic-americans also grew,from under 5% to 12.5% of the population,while the proportion of black Americans increased from 11% to 12.3%.these changes may account in part for the increased prevalence of obesity.

6.mature mums

Mothers around the world are getting older.in the UK,the mean age for aving a frist child is 27.3,compared with 23.7 in 1970 .mean age at frist birth in the US has also increased, rising from 21.4 in 1970 to 24.9 in 2000.

This would be neither here nor there if it were’t for the observation that having an older mother seems to be an independent risk factor for obesity. Results from the US national heart,lung and blood institute’s study found that the odds of a child being obese increase 14% for every five extra years of their mother’s age , though why this should be so is not entirely clear.

Michael Symonds at the university of Nottingham,UK,found that first-bron children have more fat than younger ones. As family size decreases, firstbrons account for a greather share of the population. In 1964, british women gave birth to an average of 2.95 children;by 2005 that figure had fallen to 1.79. in the US in 1976, 9.6% of woman in their 40s had only one chile;in 2004 it was 17.4%. this combination of older mothers and more single children could be contributing to the obesity epidemic.

7.Like marrying like

Just as people pair off according to looks, so they do for size. Lean people are more likely to marry lean an d fat more likely to marry fat. On its own, like marrying like cannot account for any increase in obesity. But combined with others- particularly the fact that obesity is partly genetic, and that heavier people have more children-it amplifies the increase form. other causes.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A) Effects of obesity on people’s health

B) The link between lifestyle. and obesity

C) New explanations for the obesity epidemic

D) Possible ways to combat the obesity epidemic



The body needs fat to keep it ___________ the cold during the long winter months.[A] b

The body needs fat to keep it ___________ the cold during the long winter months.

[A] between

[B] from

[C] for

[D] out



REM sleep refers to the period of deepest sleep during which most dreams occur.()


______ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its
different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption.







_____ much is knownabout what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its differentstages remain largely in the realm of assumption.







______ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different
stages remain largely in the realm of assumption.

A) Because B) For C) Since D) While



The brain waves are the slowest during ____

A) stage 1

B) stage 2 and stage 3

C) stage 4

D) REM sleep




People awakened during deep sleep do not adjust immediately and often feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes after they wake up.






Researchers have found that REM(rapid eye movement)sleep is important to human beings. Thi

Researchers have found that REM(rapid eye movement)sleep is important to human beings. This type of sleep generally occurs four or five times during one night of sleep lasting five minutes to forty minutes for each occurrence. The deeper a persons sleep becomes, the longer the periods of rapid eye movement. There are physical changes in the body to show that a person has changed from NREM(non-rapid eye movement)to REM sleep. Breathing becomes faster, the heart rate increases, and, as the name implies, the eyes begin to move quickly. Accompanying these physical changes in the body there is a very important characteristic of REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that a person dreams.

According to the passage, how often does REM sleep occur in one night?



C.Four or five times.

D.Forty times.

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