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What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph.Bold letters should be used.()


更多“What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph.Bold letters should be u…”相关的问题


What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph.()

A.Colored signs are preferred.

B.Bold letters should be used.

C.Large pictures should be included.

D.Phone numbers should be provide.



What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph.Colored signs are preferred.()



What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph.Phone numbers should be provide.()



What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph.Large pictures should be included.()



What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph.()



—You ought to have given them some advice—______, but who cared what I said?A.So ought you

—You ought to have given them some advice—______, but who cared what I said?

A.So ought you

B.So I ought

C.So I did

D.So did you



______ the monitor has given you, Tom!A.How good an adviceB.What a good adviceC.What good

______ the monitor has given you, Tom!

A.How good an advice

B.What a good advice

C.What good advice

D.How good advice



According to the advice given about women expecting babies, ______.A.there is usually no g

According to the advice given about women expecting babies, ______.

A.there is usually no good reason for giving them drugs

B.they are especially likely to take drugs

C.they should be given drugs only after careful consideration

D.there is no point in prescribing drugs, because they won't take them anyway



A recent global survey of 2 000 high-net-worth individuals found that 60% were not plannin
g on a traditional retirement. Among US participants, 75% expected to continue working in some capacity even after stepping away from full-time jobs. "Many of these people made their wealth by doing something theyre passionate(有激情的)about," says Daniel Egan, head of behavioral finance for Barclays Wealth Americas. "Given the choice, they prefer to continue working." Barclays calls these people "nevertirees."

Unlike many Americans compelled into early retirement by company restrictions, the average nevertiree often has no one forcing his hand. If 106-year-old investor Irving Kahn, head of his own family firm, wants to keep coming to work every day, whos going to stop him? Seventy-eight-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgs job security is guaranteed in the Constitution.

It may seem that these elderly people are trying to cheat death. In fact, they are. And its working, Howard Friedman, a professor at UC Riverside, found in his research that those who work hardest and are successful in their careers often live the longest lives. "People are generally being given bad advice to slow down, take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida," he says. He described one study participant, still working at the age of 100, who was recently disappointed to see his son retire. "

Were beginning to see a change in how people view retirement," says George Leeson, co-director of the Institute of Population Ageing at Oxford. Where once retirement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserable job, it is now akin(近似)to being cast aside. What Leeson terms "the Warren Buffett effect" is becoming more broadly appealing as individuals come to "view retirement as not simply being linked to economic productivity hut also about contribution."

Observers are split on whether this is a wholly good thing. On the one hand, companies and financial firms can benefit from the wisdom of a resilient(坚韧的)chief. On the other, the new generation can find it more difficult to advance—an argument that typically holds little sway to a nevertiree.

What do we learn about the so-called "nevertirees"?

A.They are passionate about making a fortune,

B.They have no choice but to continue working.

C.They love what they do and choose not to retire.

D.They will not retire unless they are compelled to.



Concerning money or anything else, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect
a power straggle. Conflicts between parent and child often center around the same issue. As children enter adolescence, they begin to demand greater freedom to go where they please, do what they please, and make decisions without parental interference. Many American parents do not know how to deal with their teenagers and seek advice from books, lectures, and parent gaining courses. Parents want to maintain a friendly relationship with their teenagers and also want to guide them so that their behavior. will be whatever the parents consider proper and constructive.

But in a society of rapidly changing social and moral values, parents and children often disagree about what is important and what is fight.

(77) Arguments may concern such unimportant matters as styles of dress or hairdos. But quarrels may also concern school work, after school jobs, decisions, use of the family car, dating, and sex behavior. Some families have serious problems with teenagers who drop out of school, run away from home, or use illegal drugs. Because so much publicity is given to the problem teenager, one gets the impression that all teenagers are troublemakers. Actually, relatively few adolescents do anything wrong, and nearly all grow up into "solid citizens" who fulfill most of their parents' expectations. In fact, recent studies show that the "generation gap" is narrowing. The vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents' values and ideas. Many parents feel that they get along with their adolescents quite well.

According to the writer, conflicts between husband and wife usually reflect ______.

A.feeling of hatred

B.power struggle

C.that they don' t care for each other

D.that they may appeal to divorce



Questions下列各are based on the following passage. A recent global survey of 2,000 high-
net-worth individUalS found that 60% were not planning on a traditional retirement. Among US participants, 75% expected to continue working in some capacity even after stepping away from full-time jobs. "Manyof these people made their wealth by doing sometting theyre passionate (有激情的) about,”.says Daniel Egan, head of behavioral finance for Barclays Wealth Americas. " Given the.. choice, they prefer to continue workirtg, " Barclays calls these people"nevertirees." Unlike many Americans compelled into early retirement by company restrictiolls, the average nevertiree often has no one forcing his hand. tf 106-year-old investor Irving Kahn, head of his own family firm, wants to keep coming to work every day, whos going to stop him? Seventy-eight-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgs job security is guaranteed in the Constitution. It may seem that these elderly people are trying to cheat death. In fact, they are. And its working. Howard Friedman, a professor at UC Riverside, found in his research that those who work hardest and are successful in their careers often live the longest lives. "People are generally being given bad advice to slow down, take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida,, he says. He described one study participant, still working at the age of 100, who was. recently disappointed to see his son retire. "Were beginning to see a change in how people view retirement," says George LeeSon, codirector of the Institute of Population Ageing at Oxford. Where once ret~rement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserable job, it is now akin (近似) to being cast aside, What Leeson terms "the Warren Buffett effect" is becoming more broadly appealing as individuals come to "view retirement as not simply being linked to economic productivity but also about contribution, " Observers are split on whether this is a wholly good thing, On the one hand, companies and financial firms can benefit from the wisdom of a resilient (坚韧的 ) chief, On the other, the new generation can find it more difficult to advance--an argument that typically holds little sway to a nevertiree. What do we learn about the so-called "nevertiree$" ?

A.They are passionate about making a fortune.

B.They have no choice but to continue working.

C.They love what they do and choose not to retire.

D.They will not retire unless they are compelled to.

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